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Responding “Here and There” to Global Humanitarian Crises

July 5, 2024 |

We are a world connected. Learn how a distinct “here and there” approach can address global humanitarian crises.

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Abe Ibrahim Helps Refugees Feel More at Home

Abe Ibrahim Helps Refugees Feel More at Home

July 28, 2021

Mbanzamihigo “Abe” Ibrahim is helping people feel at home. Born in a Tanzanian refugee camp and resettled in the U.S.…

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Staff Stories: Ordinary Moments & the Power of Thank You

July 27, 2021

There are many tasks that face us each new day. And how often do we pause to appreciate the ordinary…

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Never too late: father of eight is reunited with his children at last

July 21, 2021

Six years ago, David Kenene was welcomed to the U.S. by World Relief Memphis. His eight children, however, had been…

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Facing big dreams: American citizenship makes them reality

July 15, 2021

This summer, our interns attended an ethical storytelling workshop in partnership with the University of Mississippi. To learn the ropes of the industry, they were tasked with interviewing immigrants within their community. Mobilization intern Peace spoke with Chisom about what being an American would mean to her.

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World Relief Congo is Building Resilience from Ashes

World Relief DR Congo is Building Resilience from Ashes

July 15, 2021

The Eruption On May 22nd in the town of Goma, DR Congo, Mount Nyiragongo lit up the sky with a…

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No Longer Alone: How Mothers in Rwanda are Working Together To Care for Children

No Longer Alone: How Mothers in Rwanda are Working Together To Care for Children

July 15, 2021

Every day, parents around the world, make the difficult choice between staying home with young children or leaving them home…

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