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Let Freedom Ring

July 3, 2024 | Comments Off on Let Freedom Ring
Two women saying the pledge of allegiance at an oath ceremony - let freedom ring

The United States has long been a beacon of hope for refugees and other immigrants. It is a land where one can leave behind famine, war, persecution and hardship – to start a new life full of opportunity and freedom.

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How Much Is Enough? Thoughts from Jeff Shinabarger

December 16, 2016

“It’s better to give than receive.” In a world that’s commercialized and in a season that’s oftentimes defined by excess,…

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Seeking Refuge Receives Award of Merit in Christianity Today’s 2017 Book Awards

December 14, 2016

Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Global Refugee Crisis, written by Stephan Bauman, Matthew Soerens and, Dr. Issam Smeir, received an Award of Merit in Christianity Today’s 2017 Book Awards. Read Story

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Changemakers in Haiti — Who is the Hero?

December 12, 2016

When people think of Haiti, they often think of incredible poverty, disaster, dependence, and despair. But there is another story. It is one of the church stepping into communities as beacons of light and agents of change, offering help and hope to struggling families.

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A Unique Moment for the Church

November 11, 2016

Since the presidential election in the United States on Tuesday, we’ve received many questions from church leaders and other concerned…

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How To Make Sure We’re Ready for the Next Crisis

October 27, 2016

What do you do when the tragedies of this world seem like they just won’t stop? What do you do…

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The Christian Post Publishes Op-Ed Written by World Relief CEO Tim Breene

October 20, 2016

In an op-ed entitled “Mosul’s Liberation Has Begun. Is the World Ready?” World Relief CEO, Tim Breene, proposes four guiding principles that should be a part of the response to the conflict in Mosul. Read Op-Ed

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