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Let Freedom Ring

July 3, 2024 | Comments Off on Let Freedom Ring
Two women saying the pledge of allegiance at an oath ceremony - let freedom ring

The United States has long been a beacon of hope for refugees and other immigrants. It is a land where one can leave behind famine, war, persecution and hardship – to start a new life full of opportunity and freedom.

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In Remembrance of Alan Kurdi

September 2, 2016

[WARNING: The blog post below contains images that some readers may find disturbing.]Alan Kurdi died one year ago today.On September…

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Time Magazine Op-Ed by World Relief President Scott Arbeiter

August 26, 2016 featured “Syria’s Children Are the World’s Responsibility,” an op-ed written by World Relief President Scott Arbeiter. Read Op-Ed

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The (Bloody) Face of Violence in Syria

August 18, 2016

If you haven’t already, take a moment and watch the video below. It’s not easy to watch. It shouldn’t be.…

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Four Ways You Can Make a Difference Today

August 16, 2016

Looking for something you can do today to make a difference in the world? Here’s four:

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South Sudan: World’s Youngest Nation on the Brink of Civil War

July 11, 2016

[This post comes to us from a team member in South Sudan, however we’re choosing to keep the author’s identity…

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In Celebration of Courage and Leadership

July 2, 2016

As we in the United States look towards next week’s celebration of Independence Day, we are mindful of the millions…

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