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Let Freedom Ring

July 3, 2024 | Comments Off on Let Freedom Ring
Two women saying the pledge of allegiance at an oath ceremony - let freedom ring

The United States has long been a beacon of hope for refugees and other immigrants. It is a land where one can leave behind famine, war, persecution and hardship – to start a new life full of opportunity and freedom.

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How You Stand with the Vulnerable

June 24, 2016

Because of the generosity of donors, World Relief was able to help Preemptive Love provide food and other essential items to…

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When a Story Becomes a Person

June 20, 2016

So today, on World Refugee Day, we want to not only tell you a different story, but to introduce you to a person. Meet Samir, a young man from Syria who has experienced much pain and much suffering, but has also found much hope.

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Mourning and Standing

June 13, 2016

We began this week with heavy hearts over the unimaginable loss of life in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday. Fifty lives lost is a tragedy in and of itself. Fifty livestaken by violence is a tragedy on multiple levels. So we, like so many others, mourn on multiple levels.

First and foremost, we mourn the deaths of the victims and for their friends and family who are experiencing overwhelming loss and grief.

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3 Ways to Meet Transportation Needs in Memphis

May 26, 2016

If you’ve been involved with refugees in Memphis, you already know that transportation is one of the greatest challenges facing…

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Drought Pushes Turkana Herders to Farming

May 14, 2016

Farmers receive high value seeds and technical expertise to boost harvest. Download the story

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The Refugee Crisis is My Problem

May 10, 2016

At every turn, it seems like people around the globe are saying, “Not my problem.” Countries around Syria are erecting fences and even shooting refugees who try to cross. 

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