News & Stories
Judy penned this poem years ago, reflecting on her own time living in another country. As she began to build a friendship with a refugee in Spokane this year, she began to see the universal themes of displacement and longing reflected in its verses.
Read MoreA Unique Moment for the Church
Since the presidential election in the United States on Tuesday, we’ve received many questions from church leaders and other concerned…
Read MoreHow To Make Sure We’re Ready for the Next Crisis
What do you do when the tragedies of this world seem like they just won’t stop? What do you do…
Read MoreThe Christian Post Publishes Op-Ed Written by World Relief CEO Tim Breene
In an op-ed entitled “Mosul’s Liberation Has Begun. Is the World Ready?” World Relief CEO, Tim Breene, proposes four guiding principles that should be a part of the response to the conflict in Mosul. Read Op-Ed
Read MoreDiamonds of Haiti: The Aftermath of Hurricane Matthew
[The following videos and blog post are detailed updates we’ve received from Joseph Bataille, World Relief’s Country Director in Haiti,…
Read MoreUPDATE: Relief for Haiti
Since Monday, when Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti, we’ve been getting reports from our staff and local partners in the country.…
Read MoreHow To Actually Welcome Refugees
For almost 40 years, World Relief has been proud to resettle over 270,000 refugees from across the world here to…
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