Donate Items
Donations can be dropped-off at our World Relief/Tri-Cities front office (2600 N Columbia Center Blvd #206, Richland, WA 99352) any Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday between 10am to 4pm.
(If these days/times do not work within your schedule, please contact Lisa for an alternative drop-off arrangement)
Contact Robb Rennix regarding any inquiries/questions pertaining to donations at (509) 734-5477 or
Click HERE for a complete list of donation needs
Click HERE to view our Amazon Wishlist
We remain very thankful for all the friends and volunteers of World Relief who have endured during these most difficult times; and we are blessed by your desire to continue creating a welcoming community by showing support and meeting practical needs of your refugee and immigrant neighbors.
As we prepare for the continuous arrivals of refugees arriving over the coming months, we’ve identified some items that our newly arriving families are going to need. It’s our goal to provide our clients something more than shelter:
we want them to have a home.
Please help us furnish these new homes by donating new (and slightly used) items to our Tri-Cities office.
Your donations of the items below are so important and appreciated!

Some of our ongoing items that are needed when setting-up an apartment for new refugee arrivals into the Tri-Cities: (*Bolded items are presently in need due to high volume of arrivals)
Winter Coats, Gloves, Hats, and Scarfs for Parents and Children
Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Diapers
Pots and pans
Mixing Bowls
Twin sized bedding
Full Sized bedding
Clock radios
End Tables
Dining Tables and Chairs
Small Dressers
Amazon, Walmart and Gas Station Gift Cards
Donate Your Car
The refugees and immigrants we serve have come from all over the world and are now living in suburbs where a personal mode of transportation is a necessity in order to get to work, appointments, the grocery store, and school events. Those who are able to secure a vehicle often drive several other community members to work each day. This means that when you donate your car to World Relief, you can enable an entire network of new neighbors to gain independence!
Email Us About a Car Donation: