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Let Freedom Ring

July 3, 2024 | Comments Off on Let Freedom Ring
Two women saying the pledge of allegiance at an oath ceremony - let freedom ring

The United States has long been a beacon of hope for refugees and other immigrants. It is a land where one can leave behind famine, war, persecution and hardship – to start a new life full of opportunity and freedom.

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Diamonds of Haiti: The Aftermath of Hurricane Matthew

October 19, 2016

[The following videos and blog post are detailed updates we’ve received from Joseph Bataille, World Relief’s Country Director in Haiti,…

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UPDATE: Relief for Haiti

October 7, 2016

Since Monday, when Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti, we’ve been getting reports from our staff and local partners in the country.…

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How To Actually Welcome Refugees

September 23, 2016

For almost 40 years, World Relief has been proud to resettle over 270,000 refugees from across the world here to…

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World Relief’s Refugee Resettlement Work Featured on ABC News’ Nightline

September 20, 2016

ABC News’ David Muir explores the journey Syrian refugees take to arrive and resettle in the United States in the Nightline segment, “Flashpoint: Refugees in America.” Watch story

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How Do We Help Our Kids Stand with the Vulnerable?

September 7, 2016

At World Relief, it’s in our DNA to stand with the vulnerable. With school back in session and all of…

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The New York Times Profiles the Welcome of Refugees by Johnson Ferry Baptist Church

September 6, 2016

In the article, “Evangelicals Ignore G.O.P. by Embracing Syrian Refugees,” The New York Times profiles the refugee resettlement efforts of World Relief’s partner church Johnson Ferry Baptist Church. Read Story

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