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Pick Me! A Poem by Judy Palpant

December 24, 2024 | Comments Off on Pick Me! A Poem by Judy Palpant
pick me! Poem about immigration and being an immigrant.

Judy penned this poem years ago, reflecting on her own time living in another country. As she began to build a friendship with a refugee in Spokane this year, she began to see the universal themes of displacement and longing reflected in its verses.

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A Christian Conversation about Refugees | Refugee Crisis

November 23, 2015

Like a tsunami, waves of terror from the Paris attacks are crashing upon American shores. Valid questions pour in about the U.S. refugee resettlement screening process. 

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Update on Refugee Legislation and 3 Ways to Give Hope

November 19, 2015

Given recent events, the U.S. Congress has focused attention on the refugee resettlement program. Before going into the Thanksgiving recess,…

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Who is our neighbor?

November 17, 2015

Meet, Johnny, one of thousands of our volunteers across the globe choosing courage and generosity by welcoming new families to the U.S. Hear Johnny’s story and why he is committed to serving refugee families. “It is incumbent on Christians to love God and love others.” – Johnny

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How a grateful Syrian family has resettled in the US

November 11, 2015

Everything began to change when the Syrian revolution started in March of 2011. Protests increased as the government and police counteracted and things became increasingly violent. From their home, Rami’s family could hear the gunfire as it moved through the city and ultimately to their neighborhood.

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The relentless dream: A refugee’s journey of hope

November 3, 2015

From the time he was young, Abdulrahman idolized the American soldier as his childhood hero. He began hanging around US troops while they were patrolling the streets of Baghdad and spent 4-years working alongside Americans in combat situations, learning US military culture and ethics. 

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An update from Iraq (Update 1)

October 5, 2015

Below is an update from our Disaster Response Manager, Maggie Konstanski, in Iraq. The best way I can think of to describe what it is like being here is whiplash—constantly being thrown back and forth between two extremes you did not know could coexist. 

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