Donate Your Car
For more information contact
Angelina M Rivera |
The refugees and immigrants we serve have come from all over the world and are now living in suburbs where a personal mode of transportation is a necessity in order to get to work, appointments, the grocery store, and school events. Those who are able to secure a vehicle often drive several other community members to work each day. This means that when you donate your car to World Relief, you can enable an entire network of people to gain independence!
How It Works
If your car is drivable, you can drop it off at our Texas office. If it needs to be picked up, we will make arrangements free of charge. You will immediately receive a receipt for your donation. Within 30 days of the car being donated to a program participant, we will send you a letter explaining how and for whom your vehicle donation was used. Within 90 days, you will also receive the 1098c form for tax purposes. We examine the car for safety and reliability in partnership with a local auto shop, and we determine if it is a suitable car for a program participant. Cars in need of minimal repairs are given to a World Relief client. Priority is given to individuals with full-time employment who are willing to drive other community members to work. If the repairs would cost more than the car is worth, it may be sold. Don't worry, 100% of the proceeds go right back into our car donation program. For more information about donating your car, send us an email: