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Employment Services will meet your workforce needs

Employment Partners

Joel Nalere
Employment Programs Manager

World Relief has more than 30 years of experience connecting qualified, authorized, and reliable employees with leading companies in the United States. Refugees are men and women who have escaped religious, ethnic, or political persecution in their homelands and are welcomed by the U.S. Department of State. They arrive with their legal status intact and are ready to work.

Why Partner With World Relief?

A partnership with World Relief Employment Services will benefit both the community and your company. Many companies save money from not having to use temp agencies, and many companies we work with note that productivity has increased after hiring refugees and other immigrant workers.

We offer the following as part of our staffing services

- Employee Pre-screening

- Completed Refugee Documentation and Paperwork

- On-the-Job Counseling for Employers

- Language Translation

- Follow-up and Retention

job applicant

"Over the past three years, I have hired 30+ refugees while working in manufacturing in the GSP area. Due to the highly competitive labor market here, it is necessary to find new ways to recruit employees. Partnering with World Relief has been one outlet for this. Their clients have shown to be a reliable, dedicated workforce. While it is sometimes necessary to make some extra efforts due to language barriers or other cultural differences, this effort is always given back twofold. I look forward to a long working relationship with the refugees who are currently employed with us and welcome the ones who will join us in the future."

-Kerri Dolan, HR Manager, Magna Fuel Systems

"World Relief has been a tremendous help to us in referring qualified candidates. We have found that they become the best employees with terrific work ethic, positive attitudes, and dependability. Our plant is experiencing the benefits of a culture where we can learn and grow with each other."

- T.H. Director of HR, Manufacturing Industry, Upstate SC

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