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World Refugee Day

Make a Difference in the Lives of Refugees and Displaced People

Today, the world is experiencing an unprecedented crisis. Hundreds of millions of people have been driven from their homes by violent conflict, climate change and extreme poverty.

Over 36 million have been forced to seek safety outside their home countries as refugees — the most in recorded history.

If this breaks your heart, we're right there with you. The need for solutions is urgent. Here’s the good news: there’s something you can do to help right here in our community.


“To be a refugee is not an easy thing. It’s just a thing you have to do to pray to God. God helped me because I became strong and fight for the kids to grow up…in a safer place.”

Goreth from DR Congo

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For 80 years, World Relief has been responding to the needs of displaced people around the globe. In the 1970s, we became the first evangelical organization authorized to welcome refugees in the U.S., guiding and working alongside the U.S. government to build the national resettlement program that still exists today.

Together with you, we can...

Warmly Welcome

refugees and other immigrants when they arrive in the U.S., through housing assistance, cultural orientation and more

Walk Alongside

our new neighbors as they learn English, secure jobs, heal from trauma and become integral members of our community

Build Thriving Futures

by equipping churches and volunteers to create welcoming communities that lead to a sense of belonging for those forced to flee their homes

Will you change the lives of refugees and displaced people today?

"But once I got [to Memphis], I told them all my story. They were able to process the visa for [my husband] Abdinasir, and now he’s here. In many, many, many ways, my survival was because of World Relief."

Rafia from Ethiopia

Donation frequency: MonthlyOnce


$25/mo over a year

can provide transportation of newly arrived individuals to medical appointment


$50/mo over a year

can provide support for 3 refugees to find jobs so they can provide for their families


$100/mo over a year

can provide 12 refugee children with school uniforms, backpacks and supplies for their first school in the U.S.



can provide English learning materials and workbooks for refugees and other immigrants



can provide a welcome kit containing kitchen supplies, bedding, hygiene and other household items to a newly arrived family



can partially furnish a refugee family’s new home, including beds, tables and living room furniture

Did you know?

Monthly givers are essential in creating change today, next month, next year and for generations to come.

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