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Volunteer Opportunities with World Relief

At World Relief we will help you connect with, and walk alongside, families and individuals as they rebuild their lives in Western New York. Look through our volunteer opportunities below to see where your gifts, abilities, and interests align. We are committed to walking with you through onboarding, training, and support as a volunteer.

Learn more about World Relief, our mission and volunteer expectations and guidelines in our Volunteer Handbook here.

Volunteer Opportunities

Good Neighbor Team

A small group of 6-12 volunteers from a local church or organization who walk alongside one refugee or immigrant family for six months on their path to belonging.

Transportation Team

A volunteer who supports refugees and immigrants by delivering welcome kits and/or driving families to important appointments, classes, or community resources. 

Good Neighbor

An individual or group of two or three individuals who walk alongside one refugee or immigrant neighbor/family for three months on their path to belonging.

"The family has become my family.  Supporting World Relief has given me the opportunity to serve that I've been seeking, and I can see that the process is well designed to make our family independent in a short period of time."

-Steve, Good Neighbor Team Volunteer

I have appreciated helping women progress in their English, getting to know them, and helping them move forward in their transition to life in the U.S.

-Anne, ESL Tutor

" I started this journey to give back and I have honestly received so much more than I give.  Getting connected with World Relief has been one of the best decisions I have made!"

-Max, Good Neighbor Team Volunteer

"I have a love for these people that I never knew I could have.  They encourage me and continue to teach me, every time I show up for ESL classes.  (I also have learned how complicated English can be, for a foreign language learner, and we, Americans, often wonder ourselves, "How did we learn this language?!" ) I am forever blessed by this opportunity and World Relief. "

-Jennifer, Conversation Partner Volunteer

"I took an Afghan dad and his children to RCSD to register the children for school.  I was invited to sit in at the meeting.  It was fascinating to hear of the educational experiences the children brought to the table: schooling in several different countries on their path to the United States, learning new languages in each country, their eagerness to learn, etc.  It was inspiring to me."

-Gail, Transportation Team Volunteer

"Looking back over the last 5 months, I wonder who really helped who?"

-Steve, Friendship Partner

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