Volunteer Opportunity: Roadrunner
Position Summary:
Road Runners (RRs) drive routes for the Connect Language Center’s (CLC’s) English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and other appointments as needed. RRs can drive their personal vehicle or request to use one of World Relief Memphis' fleet vehicles (if desired). As transportation often proves to be an obstacle for clients as they’re trying to access services here in the Memphis area, RR's help provide a much-needed resource for clients. Along the way, we hope that volunteers will develop relationships that transform lives for all involved.
Key Responsibilities:
- Pickup and drop off clients according to the scheduled need.
- Abide by traffic laws and car seat laws.
- Contact the client the day before the scheduled need to remind them that you will drive them and give them an estimated time of arrival.
- Check your email periodically for updates about opportunities.
- Communicate to WRM staff when you will be unavailable to drive a scheduled shift.
- Log volunteer hours and mileage in the WR Portal.
- 18+ years old.
- Complete the World Relief volunteer onboarding (application, online workshop, live orientation, background check, motor vehicle check, reference check).
- Reliable, flexible, and respectful towards other cultures.
Time Commitment:
- CLC RRs: Road Runners for the CLC ESL cycle commit to one class cycle. Classes meet for two hours, 9:30-11:30am, twice a week, for 7-12 weeks. Each day of class consists of two RR shifts: before class and after class. A typical shift starts 1 hour before classes begin, pauses during the class time, then resumes for 1 hour after classes dismiss. Road Runners can leave WRM during class and return when classes dismiss. RRs can choose the day of the week they volunteer, along with the shift. It is preferred for Road Runners to commit to two shifts per week, if possible. Example: Suzy volunteers on Tuesdays before class and after class. Example: Steve volunteers on Tuesdays and Thursdays, before class.
- Non-CLC RRs: Flexible, can accept Road Runner opportunities as their schedule allows.
Benefits to Volunteer:
- Gain cross-cultural skills and experience.
- Begin mutually transformative friendships with refugees.
- Gain comfortability navigating a language barrier.
Onboarding and Training:
- General short-term/long-term volunteer onboarding process, including an application, online workshop, live orientation, background check, and reference check.
- Training includes WR vehicle training from the CLC staff if needed.
Management and Communication:
Road Runners will be collaboratively managed. Church and Community Engagement (CCE) will recruit and onboard RRs. The CLC will facilitate the RR training and conduct regular check-ins. CCE and CLC will do check-ins quarterly to communicate RR feedback.
Non-CLC Road Runners will receive weekly emails about the transportation needs for the following week. The point of contact for non-CLC RRs is primarily the clients’ caseworker and secondarily the volunteer coordinator.
Feedback Loop:
At the end of the CLC class cycle, the CLC will ask for feedback from the RR. The CLC will recommend to CCE whether the RR should be recommended for another RR opportunity, or if the placement was not a good fit. For non-CLC RRs, the volunteer coordinator will follow up after their first opportunity and then monthly ongoing.