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Responding “Here and There” to Global Humanitarian Crises

July 5, 2024 |

We are a world connected. Learn how a distinct “here and there” approach can address global humanitarian crises.

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Home Is Where Your Heart Is

May 15, 2019

In celebration of International day of Families, we honor and recognize the hundreds of church leaders, volunteers and staff that sacrificially give their time and energy to our Families for Life program and, more importantly,  to the men, women and children whose lives have been changed through the volunteers’, leaders’ and staff’s love in action.

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How ‘savings circles’ empower women in rural Africa

April 25, 2019

In a rural community in the small African country of Burundi, 16 women squeeze on to narrow wooden benches, arranged in a rugged circle under the shadow of banana trees. One woman’s toddler squirms in her lap. Another has tied her sleeping baby to her back with a wrap.

Each week, they come together in a World Relief Savings for Life group to learn about basic money management and to save money for emergencies, basic needs or small business investments.  Read story

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Midyear Refugee Resettlement Numbers

April 2, 2019

Halfway through Fiscal Year 2019, is the U.S. on track to meet the refugee resettlement cap the president set six months ago?

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World Relief Responds to Cyclone Idai

March 25, 2019

Nearly a week has passed since Cyclone Idai devastated three of the most vulnerable countries in Southern Africa, Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, and the full extent of the disaster and the needs are still growing.

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Voices From the Field: Cambodia

March 8, 2019

Today is International Women’s Day—a day when women around the world are celebrated, their impact recognized, and their God-given potential affirmed. Today, we envision bolder, brighter futures for the world’s women.

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Is Justice Worth It?

February 20, 2019

Since 2007, February 20th has served as World Day of Social Justice—a day when the international community works together towards justice for all.

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