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12 Independence Day Celebrations Around the World

July 2, 2024 |

Have you ever wondered if or how other countries celebrate Independence Day around the world? Read more about 12 independence day celebrations around the world.

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Serving the Most Vulnerable in South Sudan: Nama’s Story

September 1, 2014

Nama is a mother of four and a member of a local savings group in South Sudan. She first attended…

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World Humanitarian Day – A Humanitarian Church

August 19, 2014

At World Relief, church leaders are our humanitarian heroes. On World Humanitarian Day, we’re celebrating pastors and other leaders who…

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Cell Churches in Cambodia – Sarith’s Story

August 5, 2014

Sarith is a farmer living in a small house in Cambodia. He became an actor when he was young and…

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A friendship that brought life

July 30, 2014

Proverbs 17:17 says,”A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” World Relief…

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Addressing HIV in India means strengthening marriages

July 26, 2014

In India, we are empowering the local Church to transform marriages, protect families, care for those living with HIV/AIDS and…

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Women must be leaders of peace-building in West Darfur

July 22, 2014

World Relief deeply believes that sustainable peace-building without involvement of women is impossible. In Sudan, particularly West Darfur, deeply rooted…

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