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Bridging the Gap: Christian Thomas’ Journey as an Occupational Therapy Intern at World Relief Memphis 

June 27, 2024 |

At World Relief Memphis, we are continually inspired by the incredible dedication and impact of our team members. One such individual who has made a significant mark on our organization and the broader community is Dr. Christian Thomas, our talented Occupational Therapy (OT) intern and now Health & Wellness Specialist. As a certified occupational therapist,…

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Family Amidst Tragedy

June 23, 2022

It’s been eight months since the fall of Kabul. World Relief North Texas welcomed many Afghans with the help of volunteer Good Neighbor Teams. Read about their mutual transformation as they recount their shared stories with us.

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Your Family is Coming

Your Family is Coming: The Long Road to Reunion for Refugees

June 14, 2022

Everyday, people like Ibrahim make the painful decision to leave their homes due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations…

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20 Ways to Learn More About Refugees

20 Ways to Learn More About Refugees

June 4, 2022

Over the past year, crises in Afghanistan and Ukraine have reminded us of the devastating impacts of war — especially…

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"For All Mothers"

Reflections on Motherhood, Privilege and War

May 6, 2022

This afternoon my husband built our son a playhouse. Ten minutes was all it took to assemble the basic sand-colored…

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The Memphis Quilting Bee

March 25, 2022

Last year, we introduced you to Mary, one of our World Relief Memphis volunteers. She’s been actively involved in our…

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Beyond Civil Rights

February 27, 2022

As we close out Black History Month, we spoke with a member of the local church, Gashayeneh, about his experience…

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