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Make an Impact that Lasts

Volunteer Opportunities with World Relief

We all want to make a difference in the world. It’s part of how we are designed. At World Relief, we believe making a difference is a two-way street. Over more than 45 years in the U.S. we’ve been guiding people like you to volunteering in ways that make a lasting impact. You can bring your gifts, abilities and interests, and World Relief will help you connect and walk alongside families and individuals as they rebuild their lives in Memphis.

We are so excited to partner with you as you grow, learn, and make a difference through volunteering.

Volunteer Opportunities

Upcoming Events

All events are at World Relief Memphis unless otherwise noted: 5340 Quince Rd, Suite A, Memphis 38119

June 27: Volunteer Orientation at 6:30 PM. Join us Thursday 6/27 to learn more about how you can get involved at World Relief Memphis RSVP here!

July 23: Volunteer Orientation at 6:30 PM. Join us Tuesday 7/23 to learn more about how you can get involved at World Relief Memphis RSVP here!


Follow our social media for announcements, updates, and more exciting ways to connect!

If you would like more information or want to reach out to us, email us at

"It's really been wonderful for me to make friends with these women. We talk about other things too [such as] their jobs or what they're cooking for dinner, their culture."

-Melissa, World Relief Sewing Volunteer

“There's a big need for the English help that World Relief is providing...I enjoyed meeting people from different parts of the world and hearing their stories.”

- Ed, World Relief Café English Volunteer

"It has worked out really well, and we’ve really enjoyed it, everyone has loved it. We hope to expand and do more, and create more teams to do this.”

- Johnny, former World Relief Good Neighbor Volunteer with Hope Presbyterian Church

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