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Become a Business of Welcome

We seek to invite local businesses to join us in welcoming refugees and serving immigrants in vulnerable situations. 

We seek to cultivate just and welcoming communities for all. We invite you to partner with us in this vision to affect positive lasting change in the Triad, ensuring a meaningful future for the vulnerable populations we serve.


Your partnership with World Relief will help promote your business as a supporter of a very relevant need in the Triad. By becoming an official partner with us, your business will receive complimentary coverage on who your organization is, making sure to maintain the integrity of your organization’s mission and brand, highlighting your involvement with our work.



"We love partnering with World Relief because we believe that refugees better our community. World Relief's example of the honor and empowerment of our new refugee neighbors is our guiding light in working to be people of welcome." -Taylor Mahlke."

-Taylor Mahlke, Founder of Pen + Pillar



"At CycleBar Winston-Salem, community and supporting those in our community is vital to our mission. We are proud to support World Relief in their efforts to help those in need throughout the Triad, providing further sanctuary to refugees and other immigrants as they join our communities."

-Mari Parrott, General Manager of CycleBar Winston-Salem



“At Marsh, we know a commitment is something that’s done. It’s a promise to those we work with, and the community we work within. We’re proud to partner with World Relief Triad to help serve those locally that are most vulnerable by contributing to them rebuilding their lives in a new country.”

- Bill Bumgarner, SVP of HR at Marsh Cabinets


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