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Survive, Adapt, Rebuild

“We love them so much. They are like our family, our relatives.”

 — Dalia speaking about her Good Neighbor Team volunteers

Mustafa and Dalia’s journey from their home in Syria to a new home in the U.S. lasted a decade. When they arrived, the process of adaptation continued for their family.

From fighting against the odds of a non-functioning refugee resettlement program in 2017, to finally bringing the delicious tastes and smells of their hometown’s famous foods to the Chicago suburbs, this video gives you a glimpse into Mustafa and Dalia’s story.

Along the way, you’ll meet some of the Good Neighbor Team volunteers who got to walk alongside them and be blessed by their strength, friendship, and hospitality.

We hope you’ll take some time to watch!

Form a Good Neighbor Team and walk with a refugee family.

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