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Seeking Justice & Advocating for Refugees and Other Immigrants Is for All of Us.

Whatever the changes to policy, our call, and commitment to putting love into action remain the same. Through advocacy and seeking justice for our immigrant and refugee neighbors, you can remove barriers that keep our new neighbors in isolation. When you advocate and seek justice, you embody the type of community that is represented in the early church, a community where everyone thrives.


This only happens, when we stand together.

Will you stand with us?

One crucial way to stand with us today is by speaking up to your elected officials.

Congress has the power to act and often make key decisions that affect vulnerable people around the world and in the United States. When you speak up and contact your elected officials, they are more likely to understand and support positions that would help people we care about. Consider organizing friends and family to write congress together!

Take Action Today

URGENT ACTION: Support the Afghan Adjustment Act
Encourage Robust Supports for Asylum Seekers
Create a Just Path to Citizenship for Long-Term Immigrants

Learn about other Advocacy pushes through World Relief on the Global Advocacy Page.

Foster justice for our refugee and immigrant neighbors by joining The Path or making a one-time gift below!

Donate Now

Your generosity makes a transformative and lifelong impact.  When you give, you’ll join our family of passionate changemakers committed to changing our world.

Convening a Christian conscience on behalf of the vulnerable is a core call of World Relief and an integral way that we empower local churches to serve and stand with the vulnerable. We consider it an essential task to engage the American church and remind leaders and congregations alike that our Christian faith should compel us to seek justice and mercy for the vulnerable and suffering.In increasingly divisive times, we are proud of our leading role as a thoughtful voice in the U.S. evangelical community.


World Relief intercedes on behalf of those who are suffering, in poverty or without protection, in order to influence those in positions of power who can save lives. We seek to not only defend and speak up on behalf of the vulnerable, but with and alongside them. Our commitment to advocate on behalf of the poor and oppressed is based on biblical truths and on the example of Jesus. We believe that such advocacy is an important witness to a watching world about the character of Jesus.


To that end, the World Relief Advocacy Team seeks to:

Address structural inequality & violence
Increase awareness
Build a movement for justice
Deepen empathy and understanding
Catalyze engagement

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."

Proverbs 31:8

Our Team

Matthew Soerens

Matthew Soerens
VP of Advocacy & Policy

Matt began his World Relief journey in 2005 as an intern in Nicaragua. Since then he served as a Department of Justice-accredited legal counselor in Chicagoland before assuming the role of U.S. Director of Church Mobilization and Advocacy. Matt is the co-author of three books including  Welcoming the Stranger (InterVarsity Press, 2018) and Inalienable (InterVarsity Press, 2022). Matt also serves as the National Coordinator for the Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition that advocates for immigration reforms consistent with biblical values. He is a graduate of Wheaton College, where he has also served as a guest faculty member in the Humanitarian & Disaster Leadership program, and earned a master’s degree from DePaul University’s School of Public Service. He lives in Aurora, Illinois with his wife Diana and their four children.

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