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Financial stability is key to helping immigrants achieve their goals.

You can help families achieve their financial goals.

Immigrants and refugees arrive in the United States with big dreams. They want to buy homes, start businesses, and send their children to college.

But they face barriers: low-wage jobs, lack of financial literacy, and a confusing financial system.

This keeps their goals just out of reach.

When you share your expertise and resources as a financial partner, coach, or guest expert, you help families take the steps toward financial stability.

Interested in a corporate partnership to support the financial empowerment of immigrants in Chicago? Email Carrie Woodward, Partnerships Manager, to learn more or give today.

You can make a life-changing impact by partnering with World Relief's Economic Empowerment program.

  • $4,000 covers the cost of one person's participation in the match savings program, and allows them to access a total of $8,000 toward their savings goal.
  • $1,000 provides 8 weeks of financial education to a classroom of 15 learners.

I would like to extend my gratitude to you, the great people who have supported me so much during my most challenging times. I appreciate it so much. You have helped me become an independent and self-reliant woman.”

Selena, WR Client

Current Partners

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When you give to Economic Empowerment program, you join a community of bold leaders committed to promoting financial stability and flourishing for individuals and families seeking to achieve big dreams in the United States.

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