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The Path to Advocacy: Guillermo’s Story Navigating the American Legal System

The American legal system is often a new and complex experience for recently resettled immigrants. Many participants in World Relief Memphis (WRM) programming need help navigating these complex legal systems. Guillermo Enrique, a former WRM program participant and current volunteer, experienced this struggle firsthand and now seeks to support immigrant communities with legal navigation through service and advocacy. 

New Immigrant, New Dreams

Guillermo Enrique, originally from Cuba, immigrated to the United States in 2022 to make Memphis his permanent home. During his immigration journey, Guillermo received support from World Relief Memphis’ Newcomer Outreach service line. He also received English language skill development through ESL classes at WRM’s Connect Language Center. 

During his time with Newcomer Outreach, Guillermo interacted with different American benefit systems and legal processes. These experiences taught him a lot about different social services in America and insight in how to navigate them. Guillermo decided to put his knowledge and skills into practice and help others who need assistance understanding these processes. 

“When you help someone and get the results, like getting their green card or work permit, you can’t believe it. They get all excited and that’s an excellent feeling.”- Guillermo

While Guillermo was originally studying industrial design in Cuba, his interest in the legal field peaked as he saw it as an opportunity to learn more English and help others. Because of his experiences interacting with different legal systems as an immigrant, Guillermo decided to search for paralegal and legal assistant jobs in Memphis. 

During his search, he began volunteering for World Relief, helping Cuban clients navigate the legal system since he is most familiar with the Cuban immigration process. However as he continues to learn, Guillermo has also expanded his services to people across the globe, assisting individuals from Venezuela, Ukraine, and several countries in Africa.  Guillermo’s favorite part about working in the legal field is helping others. He explained, “When you help someone and get the results, like getting their green card or work permit, you can’t believe it. They get all excited and that’s an excellent feeling.” 

Guillermo primarily helps people through the WhatsApp groups that the organization uses to connect individuals. Oftentimes, Guillermo helps fill out forms for work permits, green card requests under the Cuban Adjustment Act, and also assists with questions and concerns in general. Guillermo emphasizes the importance of clear understanding and communication. He states,

“At the beginning of the process, it can be frustrating as an immigrant. It’s really good when I help them, and I explain the process to them. I’m grateful.”

In addition to navigating through the processes, Guillermo is willing to answer any questions and explain concepts to newly resettled immigrants. Such as basic things like opening bank accounts, where to study English, where people get health services, etc. One way he reaches the community is through the group chats with clients from Cuba where anyone can ask questions. He says, “The most important thing is to understand the system.” Guillermo shares the difficulties of acclimating to a new country with a different legal system. He explained, “Every person is different, and every country is different.” The American legal system is complex and nuanced. Guillermo’s work with clients makes a huge difference in new immigrants’ understanding of the processes they are going through. 

Reflections & Future Plans

After searching, Guillermo found a job at E.M. Wafula Law Office, a local immigration law firm, as a paralegal. He is now exploring options to obtain his paralegal certification from universities such as the University of Miami or the University of Florida, which offer specialized programs. For now, he continues to develop his legal knowledge by taking small online courses on various platforms like Coursera.

Guillermo stated that his goal is to “help people like me, who came from a different country.” More specifically, Guillermo’s goal is to create spaces where people like him can get help and not feel lost in their new homes. He wants to go beyond that and provide the community with spaces where they feel included and can resolve their concerns without any problems. Additionally, Guillermo wants to continue expanding his knowledge and attend university to study law. He believes it would be beneficial not only for himself but for the community as a whole. Guillermo feels that “It’s good to always be learning.” 

Guillermo’s experience immigrating to the United States inspired him to advocate for others in a similar situation; these shared experiences empowered Guillermo to serve and advocate for others. 

We are so inspired by and thankful for people like Guillermo who feel called to give back. You too can be like Guillermo! 

At World Relief Memphis, we have many volunteer opportunities for you to get involved in and make a difference in the Memphis community. Check out our volunteer page to find out what skills you can share! 

You can also be a voice for change in immigration by visiting our advocate page where you can see how to contact your representatives. 

You can also make an impact by donating monetarily to WRM. Your gifts help support and grow our programing that serves and empowers new Memphians like Guillermo. 

Writer: Camille Smith

Summer 2024 Marketing & Communications Intern at World Relief Memphis. 

If you would like to learn more about World Relief Memphis in the coming months, follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on events and volunteer opportunities.

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