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The Path to Advocacy: Guillermo’s Story Navigating the American Legal System

The American legal system is often a new and complex experience for recently resettled immigrants. Many participants in World Relief Memphis (WRM) programming need help navigating these complex legal systems. Guillermo Enrique, a former WRM program participant and current volunteer, experienced this struggle firsthand and now seeks to support immigrant communities with legal navigation through…

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Education Matters: Lessons Learned from a Volunteer Tutor

Meet Clare Spaulding! Originally from a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, she’s lived in Chicagoland for nearly eight years. Clare works at Communities In Schools of Chicago, an education non-profit that partners with 238 Chicago Public Schools to provide no-cost programming. She resides in Lincoln Park with her husband of 2.5 years, both active members of…

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Called to Empower: Gladys’ Story

As we leave Women’s History Month and enter Volunteer Appreciation Month, we wanted to share a story that embodies the spirit of both. Gladys Hunt, one of World Relief Memphis’ Good Neighbor Team volunteers, has a heart and calling for refugee empowerment and humanitarian work that is both inspiring and deeply personal. Immigrant Journey Originally…

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Living Outside the Box: A Story of Transformation (VIDEO)

“Thinking outside of the box” is a phrase often used to praise imaginative and bold ideas. When we need to solve a problem but there’s no clear path forward, our minds are stretched and we are forced to imagine a better way. But what would it look like to not just think outside the box, but to LIVE outside of the box as well? 

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Change That Lasts Through Mutual Transformation

by Judy and Mike Palm // At World Relief SoCal, we often talk about mutual transformation as a central goal for relationships within our community: among churches, between volunteers and newcomers, between staff and neighbors. But what does it take to build the kind of authentic friendships that would lead to mutual transformation?  We interviewed…

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Change That Lasts Through Mutual Transformation

by Amber Díaz Pearson // At World Relief Durham, we often talk about mutual transformation as a central goal for relationships within our community: among churches, between volunteers and newcomers, between staff and neighbors. But what does it take to build the kind of authentic friendships that would lead to mutual transformation?  While no two…

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Let’s Learn About: Entrants

At World Relief Memphis, we often reflect on America as a country of immigrants and displaced persons. Throughout the generations, people have immigrated to the U.S. and established new lives. That continues today! Entrants are just one of these immigrant groups. The amount of competing information around immigration can be overwhelming. But World Relief has been…

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Falling Into God’s Plan

Barb & Bern Olker

An Interview with an English Language Volunteer Below is an interview with Barb Olker, a long-time volunteer with our English Language Learning program. How long have you been volunteering with World Relief Chicagoland, and specifically with English Language Learning classes? My husband and I have been doing this since the 90’s. It’s been a long…

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Let’s Learn About: Special Immigrant Visas

At World Relief Memphis, we often reflect on America as a country of immigrants and displaced persons. Throughout the generations, people have immigrated to the U.S. and established new lives. That continues today! Special immigrant visa holders are just one of these immigrant groups. The amount of competing information around immigration can be overwhelming. But World…

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