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Bridging the Gap: Christian Thomas’ Journey as an Occupational Therapy Intern at World Relief Memphis 

June 27, 2024 |

At World Relief Memphis, we are continually inspired by the incredible dedication and impact of our team members. One such individual who has made a significant mark on our organization and the broader community is Dr. Christian Thomas, our talented Occupational Therapy (OT) intern and now Health & Wellness Specialist. As a certified occupational therapist,…

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Building a Better Future

June 2, 2020

Aise Nature Bahonda and Emily Yope are proud to be a part of the refugee community here in Memphis. I…

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Beautiful Things Follow Prayer

April 22, 2020

In tumultuous times it can be tempting to feel helpless. What can one person do against an onslaught of existential…

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Rodney: Responding to the Call to Love and Serve (Part 1)

April 20, 2020

 Being willing to change our perspectives and opinions is never easy, even when a person wants to be open to…

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Rodney: Responding to the Call to Love and Serve (Part 2)

April 20, 2020

This is the second of a two-part installment. Read Part One of Rodney’s story HERE. Freshly immersed in Café English, Rodney quickly…

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Welcoming Refugees is Everyone’s responsibility

June 17, 2019

The first time I celebrated World Refugee Day was June 20, 1997, along with thousands of others in Nyarugusu Refugee…

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If You Plant Early, You Harvest Early

June 12, 2018

“If You Plant Early, You Harvest Early” The first son of a large family, Daoud’s father raised him implementing the…

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