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Bridging the Gap: Christian Thomas’ Journey as an Occupational Therapy Intern at World Relief Memphis 

June 27, 2024 |

At World Relief Memphis, we are continually inspired by the incredible dedication and impact of our team members. One such individual who has made a significant mark on our organization and the broader community is Dr. Christian Thomas, our talented Occupational Therapy (OT) intern and now Health & Wellness Specialist. As a certified occupational therapist,…

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Sorrow amidst dreams

September 14, 2021

Nazia’s family came to the US after being targeted by the Taliban, and with the help of World Relief they begin rebuilding their lives and found employment.

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Freedom: why one Afghan woman left home

August 18, 2021

This summer, our interns attended an ethical storytelling workshop in partnership with the University of Mississippi and Southern Foodways Alliance. To learn the ropes…

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A Father’s Wish

August 16, 2021

For privacy, the program participant’s name has been abbreviated. When A left Rwanda five years ago, she left behind not only…

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As Told To: Isabel’s Story of Dreams and Aspirations

August 11, 2021

This summer, our interns attended an ethical storytelling workshop in partnership with the University of Mississippi and Southern Foodways Alliance. To learn…

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Trading citizenships: Why I decided to become an American

July 30, 2021

Throughout July, we’ve been focusing on citizenship and what it means to our friends in the immigrant community about what…

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Never too late: father of eight is reunited with his children at last

July 21, 2021

Six years ago, David Kenene was welcomed to the U.S. by World Relief Memphis. His eight children, however, had been…

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