ILS Client Resources
Call now to schedule an appointment:
Aurora (630) 906-9546
Chicago (773) 583-9191 ext. 8540
Carol Stream (630) 462-7660
Services Include
General Consultations
Green Card Renewal or Replacement
Family Reunification
- Adjustment of Status
- Fiancé Petitions
- Consular Process/Immigrant Visas
- Asylee/Refugee Petitions
Citizenship Services
Removal of Conditions on Residency
Refugee/Asylee Green Cards
DACA Renewal
Records Checks (FBI rap sheets, FOIAS, etc.)
Citizenship Tutoring
General Hotline for people with brief questions regarding immigration:
- This is a general hotline and will NOT take place of a full consultation that includes screening and assessment for eligibility to file an application.
- Current clients of World Relief Chicagoland Immigration Legal Services should NOT call this hotline for information about their case, but reach out to their legal representative.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use or possession of marijuana can have serious Immigration consequences.
Immigration Fee Changes
World Relief will continue to update you with the most current developments. For case-specific questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your World Relief representative.

To schedule a DACA renewal appointment or consultation with our office call:
DuPage: (630) 462-7660
Aurora: (630) 906-9546
Chicago: (773) 583-9191
For More Information
Know Your Rights
Everyone who lives in the U.S. is given certain rights, like the right to freedom of speech and freedom to practice your religion. These rights apply to everyone, regardless of their immigration status. These guidelines from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center provide practical steps for what to do if you or someone you know has an encounter with agents from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). This toolkit includes resources in multiple languages, including cards that you can print and keep with you, a family preparedness plan template, and short videos to help you prepare.