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Join the Team!

We are looking for talented, compassionate, and collaborative people to partner with us as we welcome refugees and immigrants with holistic services that will help them root and flourish in our community.

Career Opportunities

World Relief, and millions of people around the globe, need you.

For many of us, the last few years have been characterized by a deep sense of chaos, uncertainty and injustice. As suffering across the globe appears to be worsening, you’ve likely asked yourself, how can I respond in a meaningful way?

If you've thought about your career path in response, you've come to the right place. Today, World Relief, and millions of people around the globe, need you.

At this pivotal moment in time, World Relief is rapidly expanding and growing our team to meet the increasing needs of our world. When you join us at World Relief, you can expect:


          • A strong sense of everyday purpose and impact

          • A highly relational and collaborative environment

          • A commitment to best practices and excellence in our work

          • A faith-based working environment and faithful commitment to God’s leading.


If you’re one of the many people feeling like you need to do more for our broken world, here’s your chance. In the midst of the chaos, there is still hope — God has a plan and you can be a part of it.

We are looking for people just like you who want to use their gifts and talents to make a real and tangible difference in our world and the lives of the suffering.

Will you apply to World Relief today?


A Quick Note

World Relief employees are committed to the mission, vision and values of the organization. As an organization we follow a Statement of Faith.

In addition to our Statement of Faith and Mission, Vision, and Values, World Relief has other key tenets which candidates for employment must review and understand:

  1. TOWARDS A FRESH EMBRACE OF OUR CHRISTIAN IDENTITY, which informs the organization’s position and understanding of key issues regarding our Christian faith.
  2. FOR THE HEALTH OF THE NATION, a publication of World Relief’s parent organization, the National Association of Evangelicals, which informs World Relief’s position on matters of social and civic engagement.

As part of the application process candidates for positions with World Relief will be asked to discuss this.

Chicagoland Career Opportunities



Interested in positions at our Chicagoland offices? Click here to view the available opportunities.

HERE TO WELCOME SERIES Part 2 – Rebuild of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program.

By mlummus | May 18, 2021

On May 18th, World Relief Chicagoland continued a two-part series, “Here to Welcome”! You can watch the replay above about the rebuild of the U.S. refugee resettlement program. After bearing the cost of being forced to leave their homes, refugees encounter a rigorous and lengthy security process often lasting years. With the previous refugee admission…

HERE TO WELCOME SERIES Part 1 – Asylum Seekers and the Crisis at the Border.

By mlummus | May 11, 2021

On May 11th, World Relief Chicagoland started a two-part series, “Here to Welcome”! Watch the replay above to hear an update about the migration crisis at the U.S./Mexico border from World Relief’s Matthew Soerens. You’ll also learn how you and your church can connect with asylum seekers, refugees, and other immigrants right here in Chicagoland…

Mother’s Day

By mlummus | May 7, 2021

This Mother’s Day, we want to wish all of our mothers, in all stages of life, a Happy Mother’s Day. We know that motherhood is a blessing, but it’s not without its trials. For many of our families, mothers have made immense sacrifices for their children. Today, we honor and thank you for all that…

I was Only Thinking of My Kids

By mlummus | May 7, 2021

Four years ago, Maryam and her kids were in a much different situation than today. The family left their home in Dahok, Iraq the year ISIS took over Mosul (50 miles to the south) and killed thousands of Yazidi people in Sinjar (a hundred miles to the west). Maryam didn’t share the details of their departure or why her husband…

A 3-Minute Peek Into The 2021 Global Gala

By mlummus | April 28, 2021

To access the full-length Global Gala video will all the stories, please email to request access. To make a donation to help immigrants and refugees rebuild their lives click the donate button at the top of the screen. Thank you!

Reyna’s Story

By mlummus | April 28, 2021

Your gift gives back   “At the beginning of this pandemic, everything we were doing as an EMT became 10 times harder.”  Twenty-six-year-old Reyna has been working as an EMT and front-line worker throughout the Covid-19 crisis. It is hard to imagine her small frame lifting grown men from a third-floor apartment down the stairs to the…

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