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Together, we can influence those in positions of power who can save and change lives.


Together, we can influence those in positions of power who can save and change lives.

Issues we are advocating for in Durham, NC


In-state tuition

The U.S. government has used the humanitarian parole status to invite those who have been forcibly displaced, like that of our Afghan Allies or those fleeing the war in Ukraine. They are now long-term residents in NC but face additional barriers to accessing higher education. Therefore, we are advocating for in-state tuition access to be offered to humanitarian parolees at NC Community Colleges so that we may support their educational goals as they seek to create new lives in NC.

Teacher Licensure

North Carolina is filled with a diverse community with a diverse set of skills, certificates, and credentials, like teaching, but these credentials often go unrecognized in North Carolina due to state licensing policies causing newcomers to accept jobs often outside of their expertise and experience. As people continue to move to NC, we seek to streamline the teacher licensure process for all out-of-jurisdiction teachers to more easily certify their credentials enabling them to teach in NC public schools.


Language access at the NC DMV

Despite the diversity that exists and continues to grow within North Carolina the NCDMV doesn’t provide translated drivers test study materials in languages that reflect the diversity of our communities. Due to the lack of translated materials, emerging English language learners often face barriers to passing their DMV knowledge test and gaining a comprehensive understanding of North Carolina's driving regulations. Learning to drive is imperative for our new neighbors therefore, we are advocating to expand language access at the NCDMV.

Sign a Petition, here are some ways you can take action with us today:


Support U.S. Foreign Assistance

A family seeking asylum in Chicago.

Support Asylum Seekers and Families Along the Border


Support the Reauthorization of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)


Oppose Deportation Policies That Separate Families

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URGENT ACTION: Support the Afghan Adjustment Act


Protect the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."

— Proverbs 31:8

Why Advocate?

Why Advocate?

At World Relief, our commitment to advocate on behalf of the poor and oppressed is based on the example of Jesus. We believe that such advocacy is an important witness to a watching world about the character of Jesus.

We consider it an essential task to engage and challenge the church, reminding leaders and congregations alike that our Christian faith should compel us to seek justice and mercy for the vulnerable and suffering.

So whatever the changes to policy, our calling and our commitment to advocate on behalf of the orphan, the widow and the stranger among us will not.

Will you join us?

What our team is advocating for in North Carolina:

Our Team

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Jada Alicea-Rochelle, MSW

NC Advocacy Coordinator


Garry Crites, PhD

Church and Community Engagement Manager

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