Together, we can influence those in positions of power who can save and change lives.
Together, we can influence those in positions of power who can save and change lives.
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."
— Proverbs 31:8
Why Advocate?
Why Advocate?
At World Relief, our commitment to advocate on behalf of the poor and oppressed is based on the example of Jesus. We believe that such advocacy is an important witness to a watching world about the character of Jesus.
We consider it an essential task to engage and challenge the church, reminding leaders and congregations alike that our Christian faith should compel us to seek justice and mercy for the vulnerable and suffering.
So whatever the changes to policy, our calling and our commitment to advocate on behalf of the orphan, the widow and the stranger among us will not.
Will you join us?
Our Team

Jada Alicea-Rochelle, MSW
NC Advocacy Coordinator

Garry Crites, PhD
Church and Community Engagement Manager