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8 Ways We’ve Been Working with Refugees Throughout Our History

June 4, 2024 | Comments Off on 8 Ways We’ve Been Working with Refugees Throughout Our History
8 ways we help refugees

Over the last 80 years, the work we’ve done together at World Relief has been defined by supporting those who have been displaced by conflict and global crises. Today, we’re looking back on our legacy of working with refugees and displaced people across the globe.

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A new lenten devotional from World Relief celebrates 80 years.

A New Lenten Devotional Celebrates 80 Years of World Relief

February 12, 2024

In the aftermath of World War II, a community of ordinary believers in Boston, Massachusetts, felt moved to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs of displaced peoples in war-torn Europe.

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A Prayer Practice for the New Year

January 12, 2024

Start the new year with a prayer of Examen, a prayer practice to deepen your communion with God, your compassion for yourself and others and even change the world.

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Living Outside the Box: A Story of Transformation (VIDEO)

December 20, 2023

“Thinking outside of the box” is a phrase often used to praise imaginative and bold ideas. When we need to solve a problem but there’s no clear path forward, our minds are stretched and we are forced to imagine a better way. But what would it look like to not just think outside the box, but to LIVE outside of the box as well? 

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Change That Lasts Through Mutual Transformation

December 8, 2023

by Amber Díaz Pearson // At World Relief Durham, we often talk about mutual transformation as a central goal for…

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World Relief Durham’s Efforts for Immigrant Equity

December 7, 2023

This summer, Adam Clark, World Relief Durham’s Executive Director, wrote a piece for local nonprofit partner Built2Last Innovations Lab‘s quarterly…

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A Biblical Perspective on Immigration

August 2, 2023

by Hunter Davis // “According to a LifeWay Research poll in 2022, just 20% of evangelical Christians say their views…

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