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World Relief Responds to New DHS Memo Regarding DACA, Urges Congressional Action

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** July 29, 2020CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – Today, the Trump Administration issued a memo that, for the moment, allows recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) to continue to renew their DACA protections and work authorization, while reducing the validity of each renewal to one year (from two) and restricting new…

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World Relief Announces New Monthly Giving Opportunity, The Path

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** July 14, 2020CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – Today, World Relief, a global humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to alleviate poverty and respond to disasters worldwide, announced the launch of The Path, its monthly giving product designed to help individuals sustainably give to create lasting change in our world.  The Path is…

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In Light of Ongoing Violence and Food Insecurities in Sudan, World Relief Gives Aid to Thousands in Need

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** July 14, 2020CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 World Relief Sudan Received $4.8 million from Sudan Humanitarian Fund in 2019 to Respond to Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan BALTIMORE – World Relief, a global humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to alleviate poverty and respond to disasters worldwide, is proud to announce that World Relief Sudan…

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Startling New Report Reveals 90% Reduction in Christian Refugee Resettlement from Countries with Persecution

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** July 10, 2020CONTACT: Madeline 326-3090 Paige 934-4162 Leaders of the country’s largest Christian traditions respond with alarm as World Relief and Open Doors USA release “Closed Doors” report on religious freedom impact of changes to immigration and asylum policy BALTIMORE – World Relief, a global Christian humanitarian organization that serves…

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World Relief Announces Research on Improving Agriculture, Economic and Nutrition Benefits in Partnership with MEDA and University of Michigan

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***June 18, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren CarlLauren.carl@pinkston.co703-388-6734 Findings show that households who participate in both Savings Groups and Farmer Field Schools in tandem reap greater reward BALTIMORE – World Relief, a global humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to alleviate poverty and respond to disasters worldwide, released new research in partnership with Mennonite Economic Development…

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World Relief Celebrates Supreme Court Ruling Challenging Trump Administration Attempt to Terminate DACA

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***June 18, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren CarlLauren.carl@pinkston.co703-388-6734 BALTIMORE – Today, in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court challenged the process by which the Trump administration sought to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which since 2012 has allowed roughly 800,000 individuals who were brought to the United States as children to…

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World Relief Honors Refugees’ Resilience & Sacrifice for World Refugee Day 2020

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***June 17, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren CarlLauren.carl@pinkston.co703-388-6734 BALTIMORE – This week, World Relief is marking World Refugee Day 2020, which is annually commemorated on June 20, with a number of activities, including the launch of an online Facebook Live event called, “Creating Welcome with Story,” on Wednesday, June 17 at 4 p.m. EST. This conversation…

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World Relief Calls on Church to Rise Up for Biblical Justice in the Face of Ongoing Racism

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***June 3, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren CarlLauren.carl@pinkston.co703-388-6734 BALTIMORE – World Relief has worked for over 75 years in the U.S. and in 100 countries throughout the world to stand with vulnerable people of every background. Today, we stand grieving in the face of the effects of the racial injustices that have, for too long, plagued our own nation. Sadly, racism is not new, but we have…

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World Relief Calls for Increased International Support for Food Insecurity in Developing Countries due to COVID-19

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** May 20, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, World Relief, a Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to respond to disasters and alleviate poverty worldwide, hosted a live press call on how the global COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating food insecurity in developing countries, particularly those in…

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