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Women, men and children are in desperate need of help in Lebanon. Will you send aid today?


Humanitarian and Disaster Relief


Humanitarian and Disaster Relief

Your Most Impactful Gift: The Urgent Response Fund

When you give to our Urgent Response Fund, you enable World Relief to launch immediate humanitarian responses to extreme weather events and violent conflict — two of the most significant drivers of mass displacement.

Donation frequency: MonthlyOnce

$40/mo over a year

can provide food packages for 12 vulnerable families in disaster zones

GH-Monthly-Shelter Repair
$80/mo over a year

can provide 12 shelter repair kits to vulnerable families whose homes have been destroyed by a natural disaster

SEATTLE - food dist
$200/mo over a year

can provide food packages for 60 vulnerable families in a disaster zone


can provide a food package for a vulnerable family in a disaster zone


can provide a shelter repair kit to a vulnerable family whose home has been destroyed by a natural disaster

SEATTLE - food dist

can provide food packages for 5 vulnerable families in a disaster zone

Don't wait for disaster to strike, sign up to give monthly through our Urgent Respond Fund and be there for the moments your compassion is needed most.

Urgent Responses

Middle East

The humanitarian crisis in the Middle East has been deepening. On September 23, 2024, Israeli forces launched an extensive attack on Hezbollah military assets in Lebanon. Since the attack, more than 1,030 people have lost their lives, including 87 children and 156 women, with over 6,000 individuals injured. More than 1 million men, women and children in Beirut and across Southern Lebanon have fled their homes, adding to the millions already displaced in the region. In retaliation, Hezbollah has ramped up rocket attacks on Israel, injuring innocent civilians. 

World Relief has been responding to the crisis in the Middle East alongside local partners and we’re expanding our efforts to deliver emergency aid in Lebanon and the wonder region. We urgently need your help! Your donation will go directly to providing life-saving assistance to those affected by this escalating crisis.


Devastating flooding in Kenya has resulted in the displacement of more than 200,000 and at least 228 deaths, as torrential rain, strong winds and powerful waves have catalyzed landslides, erosion of roads, and the bursting of dams. World Relief's longstanding presence in Kenya has equipped us to respond through our church partnerships, as well as more broadly to widespread flooding in the near-by nations of Malawi and Burundi.


AP Acquired Photo Credit - Odelyn Joseph

Haiti has long struggled for national stability, beset by earthquakes, economic trials and political upheaval. Social turmoil saw an unprecedented climax in February 2024, when a surge in political unrest and gang-related violence engulfed the capital city, Port-au-Prince. The UN estimated 362,000 Haitians are currently displaced within the country. At least 50% of health facilities are non-functional and 4.97 million people are experiencing, or are expected to experience, acute food insecurity in the coming months.

World Relief has been partnering with local Haitian churches for over 35 years, and we remain committed to the Haitian people in this current humanitarian crisis. Even as other organizations have withdrawn from Haiti in recent months, we’ve remained. In fact, World Relief has been chosen to lead a joint response of international and local NGOs, with the shared goal of reaching 45,529 people in need. Of those, World Relief aims to directly reach 9,000 internally displaced people with clean water and hygiene supplies to mitigate the risk of cholera and other water-borne illnesses and provide 3,000 households with cash assistance for essential food and household supplies, prioritizing marginalized populations through targeted distribution. Will you rush aid to Haiti?

Israel and Gaza

On October 7th, 2023, Palestinian militant group, Hamas, carried out a deadly attack on Israel. Thousands were killed or injured and an unknown number were abducted — reportedly including the elderly, women and children. 

On October 7, 2023, the world was shaken by news of the deadly attack on Israel by Palestinian armed groups in Gaza. Seven months on, more than 100 Israeli and foreign national hostages are still held captive. The United Nations reports that over 34,000 Palestinians have lost their lives in Gaza and more than 2 million people have been displaced. The destruction of infrastructure and severe famine have left Gazans exposed and defenseless.

World Relief is working though partners on the ground to respond to this grave crisis, caring for both Palestinians and Israelis impacted by the ongoing conflict. While access continues to be difficult in Gaza, we are providing essential medicines that are adequate for about 70,000 people and free mobile primary health clinics, as well as latrines in gathering areas for internally displaced persons (IDP) and solarized water filtration systems. In the West Bank, we are distributing food and basic essential items to those economically impacted. And across the border in Egypt, we are also supporting those Palestinians displaced by the war with food, essential non-food items, transportation and housing.

Will you give today to help those in Israel and Gaza?

North Africa

Responding to Crises in Libya and Morocco
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On September 8, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Morocco. Only a few days later, on September 10, Storm Daniel caused devastating flooding in Libya. Thousands in North Africa have already lost their lives, and many more are without shelter or access to basic necessities.

World Relief is quickly working to identify partners on the ground in Libya and Morocco to meet immediate needs including critical medical services, emergency shelter, food assistance and more for those impacted by these disasters.

Will you give today to rush help to those in Libya and Morocco?

Chad and Sudan

Photo by Amanda Patterson for World Relief
Photo by Amanda Patterson for World Relief

On April 15, 2023, war broke out in Sudan. While the conflict initially centered in the capital of Khartoum, the violence quickly spread to many other parts of the country.

Since war broke out at least 13,000 people have been killed and nearly 8 million have been displaced. What’s more, 7 million people are expected to face famine in the coming months. World Relief has been working in Sudan since 2004. Today, we continue to provide food, water and medical aid to hundreds of thousands of people affected by war.

World Relief is also on the ground responding to the massive influx of Sudanese refugees in the neighboring country of Chad. There is an immediate and urgent need to provide food, clean water, emergency medical assistance and temporary shelter for people who are facing some of the most dire circumstances imaginable.

Türkiye and Syria

Earthquake • February 2023

Photo credit Lisanne van der Schors for Medair
Photo credit Lisanne van der Schors for Medair

Early in the morning on February 6, two massive earthquakes hit Türkiye and Syria. Thousands have already lost their lives, and the damage to infrastructure is catastrophic — including in regions already devastated by years of war in Syria. 

World Relief is responding to provide immediate assistance through our network of long-standing partners and churches in the region. You can help us reach more people in need by responding with us today.

When you give today, you help us meet urgent needs and build lasting solutions in places like Ukraine.

Will you give today to rush help to places like Turkey and Syria?


War & Invasion • February 2022 - Present

Photographed by Sean Sheridan, 2022 for World Relief.
Photographed by Sean Sheridan, 2022 for World Relief.

In 2024, an estimated 14.6 million people will be in need of humanitarian aid due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. Since the earliest days of this crisis, generous people like you have responded by welcoming Ukrainians in the United States and providing emergency assistance in Eastern Europe. Now, as the war continues into its third year, so does our calling to respond.

We have now established a permanent presence in Ukraine, leveraging our decades of experience working in current- and post-conflict environments to build adaptable, church-led initiatives that will enable us to meet needs as they arise. What’s more, our U.S. offices continue to come alongside Ukrainians who are arriving in the United States, connecting them with vital services and welcoming communities they need to recover to adjust to life in the U.S.

When you give today, you help us meet urgent needs and build lasting solutions in places like Ukraine.

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Ongoing Responses

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Military Clashes August 2022 - Present

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Since late August 2022, renewed clashes between armed rebel group M23 and DR Congo's military forces have triggered a widespread humanitarian crisis in the country's eastern region. Tens of thousands of vulnerable families have been driven from their homes and forced into the nearby territories of Kitagoma, Nyiragongo and Goma. 

World Relief is responding by working with trusted, in-country partners to provide emergency food aid to vulnerable families impacted by this crisis. 

An estimated 10 million people are currently in need of urgent humanitarian assistance including food, shelter and medical care. 

Will you give today to help us respond to urgent needs like these in DR Congo?

Will you give today to help us respond to these urgent needs?


Drought & Famine 2021 - Present
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Turkana County, Kenya, is once again facing severe drought and famine following poor and significantly delayed rains. Decreased rainfall over the last year has resulted in low crop yield, and more than 1.4 million animals have died. Many water points have dried up or diminished in quality, heightening the risk of water-borne diseases and conflict over limited resources. Over 40% of Turkana County is in dire need of food assistance and over 650,000 children are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition in 2021 - a number that is only expected to grow.
Immediate intervention is needed to save lives and support early action so that the situation does not continue to deteriorate. Turkana is generally the least served by aid actors, and World Relief Kenya is one of the only humanitarian organizations with a long-term presence and relationship in Turkana North.

Will you give today as we respond to provide food, water and other life-saving interventions?

Afghan Evacuation

Evacuation and Resettlement August 2021-Present

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We all remember the headlines coming out of Afghanistan this past August when the Taliban took control of Kabul, and 53,000 Afghans were airlifted to the United States. 

Many of you wanted to help, so you partnered with World Relief. Together, we have helped welcome and resettle more than 2,300 Afghan women, men and children, providing comprehensive services designed to help them adjust and ultimately thrive. Thank you!

Today, the need continues. In the next month, World Relief expects to resettle an additional 1,000 Afghans. This level of activity requires more — more staff, more volunteers, more churches, more prayer and more partners like you. Together, we can make a difference and welcome those who have had to flee their homes. 

Explore more resources for our Afghan neighbors, partners and volunteers here

Will you give today as we respond to provide food, water and other life-saving interventions?

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