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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.


Community Resilience

Together, we’re building a world where families flourish and communities thrive.


Community Resilience

Together, we’re building a world where families flourish and communities thrive.

For over 80 years, World Relief has worked with local churches and partners around the world to build communities of resilience across all areas of life.

We walk alongside churches, community members and local leaders who are pursuing a flourishing future.

And you can be part of it.

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When you give today, you help us build a world where:

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Families Flourish

Through locally-driven programming in early childhood development, health, nutrition, family strengthening and more, we ensure families have what they need to flourish and thrive through all stages of life.

Communities are Resilient

We bolster stability and create resiliency through programming in savings, agriculture, water and sanitation, and health, in fragile communities at risk of displacement.

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Healthy Relationships are Restored

Whether through the prevention of violence against women and girls, child protection programming, disability-inclusive development or peacebuilding initiatives, we help local communities create environments where people experience restorative relationships with God, their neighbors, themselves and all of creation. And where every person is valued as an image-bearer of God.

Together, we respond to the world's toughest challenges with compassion, advocacy and technical expertise to build flourishing communities.


For a full list of country specific programming, visit our country pages.

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