Donate to Southern Africa Food Crisis
Please donate and support to World Relief to serve farmers and their families in Southern Africa, and the most vulnerable people around the world.
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Your one-time donation supports World Relief to serve farmers and their families in Southern Africa, and the most vulnerable people around the world. Your giving ensures sustainability to our work in some of the most vulnerable places in the world. Contributions will be used for the purpose specified in this campaign. If in the judgment of World Relief such purpose becomes impossible, impractical, unnecessary, or undesirable, World Relief will use contributions for its general purposes.
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function tryToTrackConversion() {
if(triggered) return;
var myDonation = document.getElementById(‘bboxdonation_divThanks’);
if (myDonation){
triggered = true;
function getAmount() { //float
var getAmount = document.querySelector(“#bboxdonation_divThanks .BBFormConfirmationTransactionDetails >span”).innerText.split(“\n”);
getAmount = getAmount[0];
var cleanCharsAmount = getAmount.replace (/,/g, “”);
re = /\$(.*)/g;
cleanCharsAmount = cleanCharsAmount.match(re).toString();
var donationValue = parseFloat(cleanCharsAmount.replace(‘$’,”));
return donationValue;
function getId(){
var idTransaction = $(“.BBFormConfirmationTransactionDetails”)[2].innerHTML;
idTransaction = idTransaction.replace(/\D/g,”);
var idDonation = parseInt(idTransaction);
return idDonation;
var value = getAmount();
var id = getId();
ga(‘ecommerce:addTransaction’, {
‘id’: id, // Transaction ID. Required.
‘revenue’: value, // Grand Total.
ga(‘ecommerce:addItem’, {
‘id’: id, // Transaction ID. Required.
‘name’: ‘Africa food crisis’, // Product name. Required.
‘sku’: ‘200001108’, // SKU/code.
‘category’: ‘Donation’, // Category or variation.
‘price’: value, // Unit price.
‘quantity’: ‘1’ // Quantity.
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