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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.

Protect the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program

The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which was established with strong bipartisan support in 1980, is a vital legal pathway to safety for refugees. For decades, this program has offered people facing persecution because of their religious beliefs, political opinions, race or other grounds protected under the law the opportunity to begin their lives anew and enjoy the freedoms we value in safety.

According to World Relief’s recent report with our partners at Open Doors U.S., an unprecedented 120 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced, including at least 365 million Christians live under the threat of persecution and discrimination. As defenders of international religious liberty, we are concerned by an attempt to suspend refugee resettlement. Refugee resettlement has played a vital role in protecting Christian brothers and sisters from persecution and death, along with those persecuted for other reasons.

World Relief has partnered with the federal government and with thousands of local churches since 1979 to help resettle refugees in the U.S. as a part of our command to care for those vulnerable to crises. One way we can do so is to faithfully steward the voices God has entrusted us with by advocating for a robust U.S. refugee resettlement program so that our fellow believers may find safe harbor to practice their faith.

President Trump has suspended refugee admissions, but you can urge your Member of Congress to use their authority and influence to encourage the Trump Administration to protect persecuted Christians and other persecuted minority groups by restarting and sustaining the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program.

Join our advocacy efforts today!

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