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Cross-Cultural Friendship: Choosing Curiosity over Judgment

Cross cultural friends talking in a park

Humility is keeping in mind that we don’t see 100% of the picture. Compassion operates out of that humility. Our lives are only a tiny part of the human experience. Refugees and other immigrants can add new dimensions, colors and wide swaths of cultural perspectives to our worldview.

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Drop in to the Friendship Center!

Mely talks to clients in the Friendship Center

Community Ambassadors are here to help! As immigrants and former refugees, these ambassadors have “been through it all.” This life experience puts them in a unique place where they can address refugee needs with empathy and knowledge. Whether one is dropping into the Friendship Center for a quick hello or staying to work on a…

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Welcome Home, Son

The family gathers in the airport for the first time in six years.

This beautiful picture is an example of a minor case: a refugee under the age of 18 who is traveling to another country for resettlement without the guardianship of his parents.

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Pastor John Sowers: Jesus As a Vulnerable Refugee

I don’t believe I ever heard a sermon on Joseph, Mary, and Jesus having to flee to Egypt to evade the murderous cruelty of King Herod. It was as if we American Christians could all imagine being a vulnerable baby, but we did not have a lens on what it would mean to be a vulnerable refugee family.

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Resettled: A Life of Gratitude

Alnaseem smiles. She is happy and grateful. She is free.

This small family has fled twice from war-torn countries. Originally fleeing from Sudan, Sheekadeen and Alnaseem were living in Libya when they welcomed their only child, Mohammed, into the world. War broke out in Libya in 2011 when then President Muammar Gaddafi was killed.

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Good Neighbor Teams: walking together in welcome

GNT and family singing songs.

Good Neighbor Teams (GNT) are a group of individuals who are trained to walk alongside a family for six months as they adjust to life in Spokane. Such a partnership takes responsibility for much of the resettlement process including: acquiring housing, registering for schools and government agencies, locating jobs, etc.

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