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10 Reasons to Give Thanks Around the World

10 Reasons to Give Thanks Around the World

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be people of hope — to “know the hope to which [Jesus] has called [us]” (Eph. 1:18) and to “hold unswervingly” to it (Heb. 10:23). How, then, can we cultivate and embody hope even in the midst of the world’s suffering?  According to some experts, the answer…

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World Relief saved my life. Now, I’m giving back.

As a nonprofit organization, we talk a lot about donations and giving back here at World Relief Baltimore Immigrant Services Office. While part of how World Relief functions is through private and public grants, we could not do what we do without people like you: people who are on the path, investing in the community…

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The Long Road to Citizenship: Prince’s Story

Our Team at World Relief Baltimore Immigrant Services Office works daily to further our clients’ paths toward naturalization. This recent story from our sister office in North Carolina inspires us as we walk along the long road to citizenship with our Baltimore neighbors. Reflecting on September as the time of year that we celebrate citizenship…

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Finding Hope in “DACA” – Interview with Jazmin

Creating belonging happens in so many ways in Baltimore and cities across the United States where World Relief has Immigration Services, like this story from our sister office in Sacramento, CA.   Jazmin grew up believing she wouldn’t have the opportunity to graduate from college and start a full-time career. When she was a junior in…

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6 Ways the Church is Talking About Climate Change

6 Ways the Church is Talking About Climate Change

In August, World Relief partnered with the National Association of Evangelicals to release Loving the Least of These, an updated report on climate change and its impact on the world’s poor. At World Relief, we understand creation care as a core tenet of our Christian faith. While individuals and congregations may differ on particular understandings…

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