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Church Unity is Making a Difference in Malawi

What if there was a new way forward — one not marked by injustice and division but by love, humility and unity of spirit?  One where pastors work together across denominational lines to affect change in their communities, where people and communities meet a Jesus who cares for them body, mind, soul and spirit.

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The Power of Perspective in Relationships

Every relationship you have holds the potential to change you. And when you grow your perspective to understand the experiences, thoughts, and values of others, those relationships hold the power to help change a community. I’ve had many relationships throughout the years that have guided, challenged, encouraged, and shaped my life. And I’m sure you…

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How To Create Change That Lasts

It was a late afternoon in 2017 when we pulled up in front of the giant structure. Eight hours of driving off-road through rock, sand and empty riverbeds had left our team sore and tired, yet the sight alone was enough to shake us from our weariness. In front of us, upon the western shore…

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Was Jesus a Refugee?

Designed image with text that says was Jesus a refugee

“Jesus Was a Refugee.” Recently, I’ve seen that message all over — on billboards, TV ads, on t-shirts, debated on social media and beyond. Much of this messaging is part of a broader campaign called He Gets Us that aims to help people recognize that Jesus was a human being who can identify with us…

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Go Far, Go Deep, Go Together in 2023

When I was a student ​​at Fuller Theological Seminary, one of my professors, Bryant Myers, taught me that, “At the heart of poverty is broken relationships.” Years later, that teaching shapes the way I see the world and the way I lead at World Relief. Myers taught that before the fall, God established five foundational…

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