Spokane Blog
How 3 immigrant women, now Americans, boldly embrace their heritage and their dreams.
The wail of a siren. It’s a sound most of us barely register. For Entisar and her daughters, it’s a terrifying echo of the day they fled Iran. The roar of planes overhead, the ground trembling with explosions – these are not distant memories, but vivid flashbacks that haunt their present.
Read MoreAs policies impact refugee resettlement, a disabled refugee offers a counter-narrative of hope.
Being a refugee from Sudan is hard enough, but this disabled refugee offers hope in times of uncertainty and big change.
Read More“Sometimes that’s just friendship!” This Good Neighbor Team finds ways to connect, even when words fail.
Luckily, she wasn’t alone. With support and assistance from her Good Neighbor Team, Robina successfully found an apartment, enrolled her children in school, and attended medical appointments. In the process, a genuine friendship blossomed between Robina and the kids, and their support team.
Read MoreBible verses to give you encouragement in these difficult times for our refugee neighbors.
To inspire you, we have compiled a list of Bible verses to root you in His truth during these difficult times for our refugee neighbors.
Read MoreThis World Relief case manager kept a diary for a week: here’s what he wrote.
Curious about the daily work of World Relief Spokane’s Resettlement Team? Here’s a unique opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at a typical week through the frontlines experience of a resettlement case manager.
Read MoreWorld Relief develops program to get refugee professionals back into their careers
Finding a starter job is a great first step, but many refugees aspire for more. To support these ambitious individuals, World Relief launched a new program in November 2024.
Read MoreRefugees Undergo the Most Rigorous Vetting Procedures to Enter the United States
It’s a question we’ve all heard – is it safe to welcome refugees into the country? Concerns about safety are understandable. That’s why it’s crucial to understand that refugees undergo the most rigorous vetting procedures…
Read MorePick Me! A Poem by Judy Palpant
Judy penned this poem years ago, reflecting on her own time living in another country. As she began to build a friendship with a refugee in Spokane this year, she began to see the universal themes of displacement and longing reflected in its verses.
Read MoreChristmas in Ukraine: Faith, Family and Traditions
In Ukraine, Christmas is often family-centered time, filled with rich traditions and customs. Many Ukrainians start celebrating Christmas on December 24th. They usually have Christmas Eve dinner, which includes twelve dishes symbolizing the twelve apostles.
Read MoreInterning is more than coffee and printing
In this role I got to work on many different aspects of communications work such as campaigning, social media, interviewing, writing, content gathering and relationship building.
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