Spokane Blog
How Jenny Helps Refugees Navigate the American Healthcare System
She has accompanied families to MRI scans or the ER, and even held the hand of a mother as she gave birth to her first child.
Read MoreThe Cycle of Service: Art Gives Back to His New Community
I came here to help the people who helped me before. There are a lot of immigrants who need help, and I can help new generation immigrants. And I hope that new generation immigrants will help and the future will, and the future…
Read MoreMaking a Difference in a New Land: How One International Student Supports Refugees
Christabel’s arrival in Washington was filled with surprises. First, in Spokane, she experienced snow for the first time, accompanied by freezing temperatures. Brrrr. Then, when she made it to Cheney, she was met with silence. Accustomed to the busy streets of her home in Accra, the capital of Ghana, this small town felt unusually quiet.…
Read MoreA Prayer for Refugees: Give rest to the weary
You say blessed are the poor, the mournful, the meek, the hungry, the merciful, the pure, the peacemakers, the persecuted – are not our immigrant brothers and sisters then blessed?
Read MoreEconomic Empowerment: Tough Questions Series
In order to become self-sufficient, the majority of new arrivals need to find a job pretty quickly. Chances are, that job is going to be entry-level while they work on their English skills and acclimate to their new surroundings.
Read MoreRefugee Resettlement: Tough Questions Series
It’s important to understand that the majority of people who go into this work are compassionate, caring people. They want to help. They want to do everything possible to ensure that our new arrivals succeed.
Read MoreCabrini: An Empire of Hope
Mother Cabrini began by establishing catechism classes and schooling for the children. On the first day, she enrolled 200 children.
Read MoreDriving Lessons for Refugees: Women Helping Women
Rita and Morella noticed a growth in confidence in the women who attended the first driving class. Each driving session ends with anticipation for the next one.
Read MoreCross-Cultural Friendship: Choosing Curiosity over Judgment
Humility is keeping in mind that we don’t see 100% of the picture. Compassion operates out of that humility. Our lives are only a tiny part of the human experience. Refugees and other immigrants can add new dimensions, colors and wide swaths of cultural perspectives to our worldview.
Read MoreMariia: Ukrainian parolee two years after the invasion
At 4:45 a.m., she was awakened by what she first thought were fireworks, but soon realized her mistake. It was an invasion from Russia.
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