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Why Waging Peace is Necessary in the DR Congo

By Jenny Yang Kasolene is a beautiful, loving mother of four children in eastern DR Congo. She’s been a survivor of sexual violence – twice. She said, “When my husband and I were raising our third child, I was raped. After the rape, he has directly forsaken me telling me that he cannot live with…

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Turning Outrage into Action in DR Congo

By Lynne Hybels It started out as an ordinary day for Cecile, a married mother of five children. With her family relying on farming for their livelihood, Cecile decided to get a head start by walking to the fields early that morning. As she approached the field, however, she was stopped and threatened by eight…

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The Church in Congo

By James Misner and Marcel Serubungo In the Democratic Republic of Congo, some say that you can find all of Africa’s problems: weak national leadership, eroding rule of law, HIV/AIDS and protracted tribal conflict. Warring militias use rape as a weapon of war and perpetrate other human rights violations. Children are stolen, forced to become soldiers…

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Agricultural Development – A Story from Haiti

In 2011, a year after Haiti’s most devastating earthquake, Monique Lewis bought 500 baby chicks and launched her own chicken farm. Since then, this mother of three has transformed her small start-up into a booming poultry operation where she raises, processes and sells thousands of chickens each year.

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Transforming Lives and Agriculture- a Story from Mozambique

Out of the five farmers’ groups in Massingir West, Mozambique, the Chinhangane group was by far the least successful. Aside from one strong harvest in 2010, the group suffered through years of poor growth and broken relationships. Like the weeds that tangled their rows of overgrown crops, conflict and division choked any hope of improving…

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Stopping Slavery before it Starts – A Story from Cambodia

Human trafficking continues to flourish today in 167 countries – that’s 85 percent of the world. Every day, women, men and children of all ages and nationalities are captured and forced to work on farms, in factories, in hotels or in the commercial sex trade – generating billions of dollars of revenue each year. But…

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