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Women, men and children are in desperate need of help in Lebanon. Will you send aid today?

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Mothers & Children

Last year, over 951,700 mothers and children received health, nutrition, and disease-prevention services in countries across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. World Relief strengthens families by equipping churches to address HIV prevention and treatment, care of orphans and vulnerable children, sexual and gender-based violence, and gender equality. Our multi-year Innovation Child Survival Program in Rwanda recently closed with impressive results: More than half of children under the age of two living in intervention areas saw improvement in their overall nutrition. 

Meet Pabi

Having fled dangerous conditions in Bhutan, 15-year old Pabi risked falling behind in her education and remaining isolated from her peers. But Pabi and her family found a warm welcome from World Relief’s Refugee Resettlement program in the U.S.. Pabi began attending a World Relief after-school program at a local church, where she found friends and academic assistance. Today, she’s already received a full academic scholarship to college, and is filled with hope for her bright future.

Meet Kalissa

Abandoned by her husband and adult children in Rwanda, Kalisa struggled to survive and support her grandchildren. She felt alone and helpless. But then, someone from a World Relief partner church in Rwanda reached out to her. Kalisa began attending the local church, and every area of her life started to change. She grew in her faith, began mending her relationships with her children, and purchased a herd of goats—the revenue from which allowed her to build a brand new house.



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