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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.

Church Contact

For over 70 years, World Relief has been equipping local churches around the world to walk alongside hurting people. Two important areas have emerged that drive the way we partner with churches:

Collaborative Partnerships

As we’ve developed many areas of expertise, we’ve also humbly learned the value of collaborative partnerships. By joining World Relief as a multi-year partner, we invite you into relationship with World Relief and other churches from the U.S. and around the world to both bless and be blessed. The skills, abilities, and resources in your church will be used to help churches in your partner country, and the way God has gifted those churches will in turn be a blessing to you.

Mobilizing Congregations

It is our passion to see someone from a local church knock on the door of their hurting neighbor. As your church helps equip churches internationally to engage their community in transformational ways, people from your congregation will be motivated and encouraged to do the same at home. Our hope is that partnering with World Relief will not only impact your partner country, but it will be a true discipleship tool for your congregation and bless your community as well.


Learn more about how your church can partner with World Relief to stand with the vulnerable.

Our Church Team is happy to reach out to you with more information.

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