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Women, men and children are in desperate need of help in Lebanon. Will you send aid today?

Copy of Empower a Hero

Empower a Hero is a monthly giving program that celebrates the courageous men and women becoming local heroes where help is needed most. World Relief staff train local women and men who are mothers, fathers, farmers and business owners. These Heroes, in turn, train many more. Because these Heroes touch the lives of many by training others to bring life-saving transformation, your money spreads exponentially.

When you give $29 a month, you enable World Relief to serve the most vulnerable and stand with churches worldwide as they empower local heroes with the resources they need to make an impact for change: the tools and training to become farmers, community health workers, pastors or parents who raise strong and healthy children.


By empowering heroes to organize workshops, provide training, run youth events and counsel victims,
World Relief promotes healing, health and peace within families and communities.


Utilizing the power of Agri-business, Microfinance and Savings Groups, World Relief equips small business owners
with the skills, capital and resources necessary to develop successful, self-sustaining businesses.


We believe God has equipped the Church–the most diverse social network on the planet–to be at the center of these stories,
leveraging time, energy and resources to join the vulnerable in their time of need.

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