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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.

Floods in Myanmar


Heavy monsoons and rising floods across Northern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar have forced millions of people from their homes. Hundreds more have lost their lives throughout the region.


World Relief is currently focusing its emergency response efforts in Myanmar, working alongside partner organizations to provide life-saving food supplies for families displaced by the floods. World Relief is committed to providing immediate support to those most impacted by the floods, while strengthening their communities from the risk of future disasters.


World Relief, with Integral Alliance partners and other local partners, have provided materials for 28 hand-pump tube wells to be constructed in five of the most in-need villages in the Pwint Phyu area, as well 250 water filters to 173 families across four villages. 

During the initial response, World Relief supported efforts to distribute rice and oil rations to 700 households in Gwe and Set Tan villages. 

Once initial needs were met in coordination with other agencies, World Relief and local partners shifted focus to the second phase programming to agricultural recovery. In partnership with East West Seeds and implementing partners, 400 farmer families in 12 villages received 5 different types of vegetable, and technical training on the appropriate planting of these short-grow seeds.


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