How can you help | Africa food crisis
How You Can Help
When you give today, you help provide the following resources to those being affected by the food crisis:
Food and nutrition assistance provided through various modalities including cash transfers, food vouchers, and provision of therapeutic food
Rural and mobile clinics to provide health care and nourishment to severely malnourished children
Potable water (rainwater harvesting systems, tanks and cisterns for water storage, well management and protection of communal watering points, etc.)
Recovery efforts, such as restocking livestock lost to drought, training and technical assistance—helping farmers to be more resilient and recover from the loss of their livelihoods
Together, we can save lives and make a long-lasting difference.
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Your giving ensures sustainability to our work in some of the most vulnerable places in the world. Contributions will be used for the purpose specified in this campaign. If in the judgment of World Relief such purpose becomes impossible, impractical, unnecessary, or undesirable, World Relief will use contributions for its general purposes.
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function getAmount() { //float
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