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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.

Intro to Middle East

Middle East

Today, over one third of the world’s 68.5 million displaced people are located in the Middle East. Ongoing conflict and new waves of destruction are leaving refugee families strained and struggling to adjust. And as pressures mount, women and children are often the ones who suffer most.

Church leaders across the region have been left overwhelmed by the immense pressures to respond to the needs of their communities, made worse by the fact that the already small and isolated church is in steady decline.

World Relief is responding to this crisis across four major areas:

Humanitarian Assistance
to reduce suffering (in the form of immediate aid).

Trauma Counseling
to process grief and promote healing.

Family Strengthening
to restore relationships.

Livelihood Recovery

to help families rebuild and restore their lives

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