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World Relief work in Haiti | Key Facts


    • World Relief’s programs in Haiti began in 1988.
    • 523 Coffee farmers who have applied World Relief training have more than double their coffee yield.
    • The Belle-Anse Church Empowerment Zone currently benefits from the collaboration between more than 75 church in Pichon & Mapou, both of which are actively engaged in community transformations—building resilience against natural disasters, village saving programs and every day acts of kindness toward the vulnerable.
    • More than 3,000 men, women and children are benefiting from World Relief Haiti’s Families for Life program. 
    • As part of the Hurricane Matthew recovery efforts, World Relief Haiti delivered agricultural resources and tools to 6,000 households that were most affected by the hurricane to enable them to plan kitchen gardens. A total of 1,485 emergency food & hygiene kits were also distributed for relief. 
    • World Relief Haiti is now working with communities to plan 30,000 trees for fruit production, environmental restoration, and natural defense against future storms.

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