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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.

Legal Support Network

If you are interested in what it would look like for your church or nonprofit organization to develop an immigration legal services program, check out the following resources:


Due to current capacity limits, World Relief is not accepting new applications for affiliate network membership at this time

For over 40 years, World Relief has been creating church partnerships that support and empower local congregations to serve immigrants and refugees as they grapple with the complexities and hurdles of the U.S. immigration system.  Today, World Relief’s Legal Support Network (LSN) is an affiliate group of about 25 nonprofit Immigration Legal Services sites across the nation who provide access to affordable legal services.

For Dr. Arlita Harris, Executive Director and DOJ-accredited representative of Immigration Center at Western Oaks Church of the Nazarene, being a part of the Legal Support Network directly impacts the quality of immigration legal services her organization can offer the 250 clients they see annually. She said,

Tech support answers our legal back-up questions rapidly and, therefore, helps our clients. Because we are a ministry of the church, we are able to pray with our clients, and help them spiritually as well as financially and legally.

For Westside Community Center that is just beginning their journey as an ILS site, being connected to the Legal Support Network is a great avenue for offering effective and affordable immigration legal services in their community. DOJ Accredited Representative Ashley DiGiore said,

The closest ILS organization is 20+ minutes away. We have a great deal of immigrants from Spanish-speaking countries, and we know these families are in need of services, support, and guidance. We have spoken with members of the community and other organizations and they are very excited for what this will bring to the community.

Future Trainings


World Relief hosts trainings throughout the year.  Additionally, if the dates or locations above are not convenient for you, check out Immigrant Legal Resource Center's listing of upcoming Basic Immigration Law Courses. If you are looking for Comprehensive Overview of Immigration Law, see CLINIC's training calendar.


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