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FAQ Integral Mission Institute

What is the Integral Mission Institute (IMI)? 

The IMI is comprised of thought leaders and practitioners experienced in the Crescent from mission agencies, NGOs, academia, missional churches, Crescent context leaders, and Christian foundations. As the convener of these gatherings, World Relief provides facilitative and administrative support.

What is the IMI’s intent? 

It is our aspiration to see IMI do each of the following:

  • Become a “think-tank” that produces substantive answers to difficult question regarding an integral missional approach in Christian minority settings.
  • Become a network of networks that connections relationships and Integral Mission conversations already in motion across sectors and disciplines.
  • Provide a unique space for reflection and discussion for Global South and Global North leaders focused on the Crescent context.
  • Provide a “gathering space” of reflection, discussion, and breakthrough for those who seek to seamlessly integrate the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel.
  • Develop papers and publications that shape future evangelical thought and missional practice.

What is the Institute’s primary focus? 

Among the big questions we’re addressing as an Institute, we are primarily focusing on how Integral Mission principles & practices from Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa (Christian-majority) can be applied in the Crescent context (Muslim-majority) in order to guide:

  • Partnerships
  • Staffing
  • And, long term vision and implementation.

What are the IMI’s core values?

  1. We embrace Integral Mission as defined by Micah Global | Micah Network
  2. Our developmental philosophy and theology is expressed in the 8 Principles of Excellence in Integral Mission produced in the Accord Network
  3. We are committed to deep listening and deference to leaders from the Global South in all planning, discussion, and wrestling during the Integral Mission Institute

When does the group meet? 

We meet twice per year in the U.S. and additionally will meet once in the Middle East in 2017.

Are the gatherings open to everyone? 

We currently operate on an invite-only basis. Our criteria for membership are the following:

  1. Senior organizational leaders
  2. Middle East native, experienced or focused
  3. Integral Mission practitioners or thought leaders

Members work within the following sectors: NGO’s, mission agencies, business, foundations, churches, and academia. If you would like to be considered for IMI membership, please send a request to

I still have questions. How can I find out more about the IMI?

We’d love to hear from you! Please reach out with your questions at

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